Give your child some confidence!


Give yourself some confidence!


Give yourself some confidence!


PCMA is a school dedicated to developing students' self-defense skills. We believe that learning self-defense not only enhances physical fitness and skills but also cultivates resilience, the right values, and transforms individuals into confident, responsible beings.

Our school offers comprehensive self-defense training, integrating various techniques and tactics, including wingchun martial arts and weapon handling. Our training courses are led by a team of professional instructors with extensive real-world experience and teaching skills, ensuring a professional and safe training environment for students.

Moreover, we emphasize cultivating students' self-discipline and moral values. Beyond technical learning, we focus on character building. Through self-defense, students learn important values such as respect for others, responsibility, perseverance, and confidence, which have a profound impact on their growth and life.







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Panda Class
We have noticed that our twins, Elizabeth and Dylan, have become more coordinated & self-confident. As it isn’t easy getting the attention of a 4 year olds, these Sihings have blended game and intelligence. This is a remarkable sport & is pure brain food.
Umberto & Heather Anzolin
Adult Class

Wing Chun Self Defense Workshop at PCMA was an incredible experience. The PCMA team surpassed all expectations by displaying exceptional kindness and friendliness. They went above and beyond to make us feel like part of their student community, rather than just attendees for a single day. Throughout the workshop, they took great care of us, ensuring our comfort and well-being.

The knowledge we gained during that session was truly invaluable. The instructors imparted a wealth of information and techniques, equipping us with essential self-defense skills. Every aspect of the workshop was meticulously designed to be highly effective and practical.

Sze Wai
Panda Class

We have noticed that our twins, Elizabeth and Dylan, have become more coordinated & self-confident. As it isn’t easy getting the attention of a 4 year olds, these Sihings have blended game and intelligence. This is a remarkable sport & is pure brain food.

Umberto & Heather Anzolin
Adult Class

Sifu Patrick is not only an excellent wing chun practitioner, he's also a great teacher.  He teaches well and takes the time to explain each concept in detail, if necessary. He always manages to adapt to the different profiles of students and shares his knowledge without restraint. What's more, his mastery of wing chun is astonishingly advanced. Training with him changed my vision of fighting sports and I will always be grateful to him. I can only recommend this school with its warm and welcoming atmosphere!

Investment Banker: France
Pierre Llinas
Taichi Class

Through PCMA training, there is a focused effort on exercising individual body parts, including stretching and strengthening weaker areas, thereby targeting the improvement of my own pain conditions. Having used a computer for a long time, I suffer from office syndrome, with frequent tiredness in my back and shoulders. After undergoing the training, these issues have seen significant improvement.

Alban Yeung


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